Sunday 8 January 2012

Movie Review! - Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey

Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey @ City Cinema

If you're looking for a movie that'll touch your heart, this movie is for you. If you have a heart of stone, watch it still and maybe your heart will grow three times bigger, hopefully. Being Elmo is a wonderful film that had me engaged for eighty minutes. It's a passion-filled movie which reminded me of my love of drawing and creating. It gave me warm tingly feelings inside. I was amazed at some of the clips and pictures shown in the movie. Perfect moments in time captured on film and finally shown many years later. I was halfway convinced that my current career is a mistake and that I was meant to be a puppeteer. Needless to say I LOVED the movie.

I give 7.5 out of 8 hearts.                   

Lately, watching movie trailers has become  painful. You may want to see a movie about Elmo but this is not a movie about an annoying, shaking, giggling, red monster. This is a documentary about a real person, with a dream! It's about working to make those childhood dreams your reality! (If you are very talented). Most importantly it's about Muppets. and Magic. The movie had a lot of great photos, old footage and interviews with interesting and relevant people. It was short, sweet and to the point, never dragging on with unrelated or repeated footage as some documentaries can. If you ever watched Sesame Street, or the Muppet Show, or have a soul then you should watch, and enjoy this movie. 

I give it 4.5 out of 5 
( and 1.5 tears) 

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